If one wants to introduce a new piece of technology or digitally enabled process; that will surely add value, to a hardened resistor (a person or entity [stakeholder] that resists new technology advancements in their business operations or processes) – firstly one needs to introduce the change in its smallest, incremental size possible with as little impact on the on the process, seamless enough to be unnoticeable, but impactful enough to realise actual business value to 3 categories of business value; increase and faster rate to profitability, decrease operating costs yet still maintaining profitability and driving growth yet ensuring enduring sustainability. However small this value is; this needs to be felt in at-least one of those business value drivers.
I believe the biggest impact on your tactic to convert the those hard-line resistors to embrace technology is to make incremental impact on their eco-system, their value stream/chain. If you introduce the technology incremental value to the “enthusiastic early adopters” – lets call them change agents (stakeholders within their own eco-system), their eco-system itself evolves and embraces the new technology, even though in silo’s in the beginning (I’m referring to the different “stakeholders” that’s participating in this eco-system – with their own unique technology adoption appetite). The end game, is the holistic -integrated platform where the eco-system of that industry or segment sector drives and forces the adoption of new technology and new ways of working upon the laggards/resistors of that eco-system. Ultimately, the eco-system of where their business sustainability is derived from is either to their detriment (of not embracing the new ways of working) or to their advancement and growth (of openly embracing and accepting the new technology and new ways of working).
Explore, ideate and solutionize around eco-systems (value chains/stream). Mining for pain points in eco-systems is where the seeds of opportunity breed.